z. One of One Blue Water Buddha Face Pendant


Introducing the One of One Blue Water Buddha Face Jade Pendant, an exquisite piece from our exclusive collection that combines the tranquil essence of blue jade with the serene and enlightened visage of the Buddha. This unique pendant is a remarkable fusion of spiritual symbolism and natural beauty, offering a serene and contemplative accessory for those who value inner peace and mindfulness.

Tranquil Blue Depth: Expertly carved from premium blue jade, this pendant radiates a calming presence, much like the serene depths of a still ocean. The blue jade's soothing hues evoke a sense of deep tranquility and contemplation, mirroring the peaceful nature of the Buddha.

Serene Buddha's Visage: The focal point of this pendant is the gracefully carved face of the Buddha, symbolizing enlightenment, wisdom, and inner peace. The gentle and composed features of the Buddha's face are rendered with meticulous detail, capturing the essence of spiritual awakening and mindfulness.

One of One Artistic Elegance: As a distinctive piece in our One of One collection, this pendant is a one-of-a-kind work of art. Each piece of blue jade is hand-selected for its unique color and texture, ensuring that your pendant is not only exclusive but also a personal and profound expression of craftsmanship.

Versatile and Meaningful Design: The Blue Water Buddha Face Jade Pendant is designed to be a versatile and meaningful addition to any jewelry collection. Whether worn as a standalone piece or as part of a layered ensemble, it adds a touch of serene elegance and spiritual significance to any outfit.

Symbol of Calmness and Insight: Blue jade is known for its calming properties and association with clarity and introspection. The Buddha's face adds a layer of spiritual depth, making this pendant not just an ornament, but a powerful emblem of tranquility, wisdom, and self-reflection.

The One of One Blue Water Buddha Face Jade Pendant is more than a piece of jewelry; it's a wearable symbol of tranquility and enlightenment.

Embrace the path of inner peace and wisdom. Order your One of One Blue Water Buddha Face Jade Pendant today, and carry with you a symbol of serenity and contemplative insight. 

Full package only.
Bail size: 6mm
Dimensions roughly: 1.2 x 1.5 in